Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Guess What???

Yep!  This is big news for me.  Here's what was published on the Scraps of Elegance Blog.

We have another exciting Design Team announcement today!

Kathy Mosher is joining our team!  Kathy has been a subscriber to our kits, and she is one of the nicest ladies you'll meet, and we just love her work, so we're thrilled that she's joining the team!

I am so honored to be chosen to be a member of the SOE Design Team. This is my first DT position and boy am I nervous!!! I've been married to the man of my dreams for 41 blissful years, have 2 grown children (boy and girl, 36 and 37) and 2 wonderful grandsons (2 and 4). My family is the center of my world. The best part is they all live here in Anchorage, Alaska near me. I love Alaska, and you will probably see me saying that over and over, it is a magical place to live, which is why I've lived here for 41 years. Before that I was a Navy brat traveling all around the country and overseas. I am a Federal career employee of 32 years and hope to retire VERY soon!!! 
I started scrapbooking about 10 years ago, and then got burned out. I have devoted the majority of my spare time to quilting. I've been published, an instructor and own a major long-arm quilting machine. However, the call of all those photos waiting to be scrapped last year brought me back to a passion I've developed for this highly evolved world of scrapping! Wow! Things have really changed, and I love every bit of it. Every time I do a layout, I try or learn something new, all the new mixed media techniques, distressing, you name it is a whole new ballgame for me. But, the best part is all the love, support and encouragement I have received from my sisters in the scrapping world. What a fabulous group of folks you are!

Kathy will begin designing with our August kit, and we can't wait to see what she does with it!

I am so excited to be a part of this amazing team!
My first reveal is tomorrow so stay tuned. 

As you can see I am pretty new at this blogging, so I'm still trying to figure out how to make the page more interesting.  Please bear with me..........

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Blog Title

Hello dear friends!!!  I just realized that I haven't explained the title of my blog.  My nickname has evolved into Glam Ma.  Yes, I am a grandmother to 2 wonderful little boys, who thankly live here in Anchorage.  I decided about 4 years ago to put some fun into my life.  Afterall, I'm 60 now, and time is getting short, lol!  So, instead of the stuffy tailored suits, silk blouses, heels and conservative style of dressing, that I would wear more bling, bright colors, and more artistic style of clothing.  Hence, I became a Glam!!  My son says I look gaudy with all the sequins, but he's 36 and still trying to make it   in this world.  

I've already had the job of my dreams for almost 20 years, and it ran me into the ground.  So, now I'm enjoying myself and living life.  I've started back into scrapbooking and joined a fabulous kit club called Scraps of Darkness/Scraps of Elegance.  You order kits that have a different theme every month and contains all the papers, flowers, embellishments and artsy supplies you need to make fabulous layouts.  I'll start posting some of my creations from these kits in my next entry.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

View From My Office

I love Alaska!!!  I've lived here since 1971 (moved to Denver in 10/1998 and then promptly came home 3/2000)  I missed Alaska so much!  There is something about it that just creeps into your bones. 

Isn't that an amazing pic!  Yes, that's what I get to look at all day.  I feel so blessed to bask in God's beauty. 

I live in Anchorage, spent 5 years in Juneau, now that was an experience!!!  No way in but by boat (ferry, cruise ship) or airplane.  Yet, it is the capital of our State.  I had so much fun living there!
We were only 1 1/2 hours plane ride from Seattle, so whenever you felt isolated, you could just jump on the plane and be in downtown Seattle in time for the shops (Nordstrom, of course) to open.  I got really spoiled living there. 

It's also where I met the love of my life and 41 years.  But, that is another story, till next time......

Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Very First Blog!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited (and a little nervous...)!!!  This is my first post for my first blog!   Can you believe it! All this time, I have shied away from blogs, cause I didn't know what they were all about and I didn't know how to create one.  Welllllll, I'm jumping in the pool's deep end (which is a really big deal for me since I'm terrified of deep water lol)

I am a Christian woman married to the man of my dreams for 41 glorious years.  We have a son and a daughter, both are fully grown and in their 30's.  My daughter is married with 2 precious little boys.  Hence, my nickname is "GLAM MA".

Now the Glam comes from my style of dressing.  I just turned 60 this year and had decided a few years ago that I need to put a little fun in my life.  I started by wearing a little bling on my t-shirts, then my pants, then my jewelry, etc., you get the picture.  Pretty soon I was blinged head to toe.  My son says I look gaudy!!!  However, most of what I wear is designed by my role model Joan Rivers.  I absolutely adore that women's spirit, heart and love of life!

I work for the Federal government, and have for 32 years.  I've always had to be so conservative, that I'm having a blast, just being myself.  I hope to retire in the next couple of years, so I'm getting ready for the BIG event!!!

I've been a seamstress most of my life, mainly out of need.  I'm the oldest of 6 children, and money was pretty tight.  My Mom's family was a group of women who were excellent seamstresses, especially my Grandma Oliver.  She taught me everything I know!!!

In my adult years I started to make quilts.  That was before all the fancy tools that are available to quilters now (rotary cutters, WHO KNEW???)  I did everything the old-fashioned way, cutting templates for each of the pieces of the block, tracking around them onto the fabric, and then cutting them out with scissors.  Pretty time consuming, but very full filling!!!

Pretty soon I was asked to teach in one of our local quilt shops.  Next thing you know I was teaching for at least 3 shops for about 20 years.  I got pretty serious about the craft, and it is still an important part of my life.  I own a long-arm quilting machine which I use to quilt the quilt tops.  It's 14 feet long and with monster machine on a table.  It's what is used to manufacture comforters, bedspreads, etc., by manufacturers.  I love and hate that machine.  It's pretty tricky to use!!!

I own A LOT of fabric.  Mainly cause I made all my clothes up to about 13 years ago.  I have some gorgeous fabrics.  THEN, because teachers would get discounts at the quilt shops, I started buying, and buying and buying, and now have about 100 copy paper size boxes of cotton quilt fabric.  Yikes, can you say that I may be a "hoarder"?   Nope, I know gals that have twice that amount (don't ask me where they store it).  The ole bumper sticker reads....the one who dies with the most fabric wins!!!

About 8 years ago I discovered scrapbooking!   Wow, I went hog wild, and scrapped about 8 albums in 3 months.  I burned out for a while and then last year jumped back into the game.  Wahoo!!  Can you say mixed media, distressing, stenciling, dimenion, painting, cardboard, burlap????  I joined the Scraps of Darkness and Scraps of Elegance Scrapbooking Kit Club, and haven't looked back!!  I have met some of the most generous, loving and down right fabulously talented women through this club.  I love all of them to pieces.

Well, that's all for now.  I am really anxious to get this ole blog on the web.  Take care everyone and have a most magical, blessed week!!!